If you’ve got Photoshop or GIMP, and want to try making your own hats, refer to my hat template post. is there any way to install mods on duck game for switch the game is awesome but its even better with mods Advertisement Coins. Your directory probably looks something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Duck Game To install them, just open up the zip file, and drag and drop whichever hats you’d like into your \common\duck game folder. I have more I’m working on, but decided they can wait for another pack. I uninstalled all my mods, I reinstalled the game but its still lagging. It lags in single player, in the main menu, in the profile selector and I dont know why. File says, which mods will be disabled during DuckGame session, before game, edit this file. conf file, which can be edited with Windows's Default Notepad. LEE ENFIELD Reload time is not too bad, but its accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. TEC-9 Run and gun with some fast clicking action. NEGEV - Lots of bullets but the recoil might be too much to handle.
Most of these are made completely from scratch, others I borrowed sprites from old games and tweaked them (For example: The “duckies” are re-colored/re-shaded Plucky from a Tiny Toons Nintendo game. Hey so I was running through the single player and trying to get all the dev medals, and when I left single player it suddenly ended up lagging super hard. Portal 2 is one of the greatest games of all time, and it also features a great modding community that has created some amazing levels and experiences as well. Activating and deactivating 50 mods, and having to restart game several times is awful - Mod setup is saved in. AWP Stay perfectly still or suffer uncontrollable recoil.

I only got this game to do deathmatch with friends and its a blast then, but arcade can get downright frustrating and this isnt a game I want to sink tons of hours into the singleplayer. Chat with felllow ducks and try to be the best duck that ever was. I studied a little Ornithology in college, so I’m a bit of a bird nerd. Arcade Mode is fun for a while, but soon it just becomes very grindy if you dont gold/plat everything and it stops being any fun.